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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Naming a Baby Requires a PhD aka Book Review: The Art of Baby Nameology

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In the past, choosing a name for your baby is probably an easy task. You hear a name, you like the name, you remember the name, you ask the other half if he likes it and viola! You're done.

Then later on, you have the Internet. You hear a name, you like the name, you remember the name, you check what is the meaning of the name in English and whether it means anything else in any other languages, you discuss with your other half and then you're done.

Then, as more and more people begin to use the same names; you want to stand out from the others so you start having variants in the names. A simple name such as "Katherine" and you can have "Catherine, Catharine, Catherine,  Catheryn, Cathleen, Cathline, Cathrine, Kathereen, Katheryn..." etc and all you need to do is to choose the variant that appeals to you most and the rest is as above.

Then you have the book on the left to tell you all about the numerology in a baby's name and how the number and the type of letters used in the names may affect the personality and traits of your little one (including the variants) and the list goes on....

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Should You Give Up Your Priority Seat? - The Response

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If you read my earlier post about the incident I had on No. 238, I wish I can say that the incident should have been drawn to a close. However, I was not very happy at the way the way the transport company handled the response. Maybe some may label me as one of those people who can't seem to forgive and forget easily or looking for trouble but I assure you; I don't think so if you read their response.

The reason why I was so upset in the first place was the way how it was handled in public. Some may say, "Oh it's about face.", and I am not afraid to admit it. But let's think about it? Why do wars and so misunderstandings start off in the first place? It's always because of miscommunication and the way how the issue was handled prior to that. If people has used the proper tone, expression and such instead of arguing and shouting; my idealistic mind believes that more issues can be solved easily! I am so not pleased with the way the company handled the response!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Updates on Using Babyplus Products

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I have been using the Babyplus for the past few weeks (refer to these two posts for reference) and time to time, I would keep track and observed if the product has any effects on the little one. After I had found out her position (I am currently at 32 weeks); I decided to strap it near my chest instead of mid-abdomen (I will explain why in another post soon) and had been doing so for weeks. This is even though I found out that her head has been down for the longest time.

There is this chart, which can be found on the Babyplus website,  which details the number of days you can use for the span of each module before the birth of your child.  The main aim of this chart is to finish the 16 modules before the birth and if your birth is delayed, all you need to do is to continue playing the 16th module (which I believe is the Mozart) continuously till your little one arrives.

The thing about this Babyplus is that you are supposed to play it at the same hour and time everyday in order to get the optimal effects. Well, it's not that easy for me to do so. I tried my best to play once in the morning and once in the evening - though they may not necessarily be at the same time. Sometimes I even forget.


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