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Monday, December 20, 2010

Should You Give Up Your Priority Seat? - The Response

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If you read my earlier post about the incident I had on No. 238, I wish I can say that the incident should have been drawn to a close. However, I was not very happy at the way the way the transport company handled the response. Maybe some may label me as one of those people who can't seem to forgive and forget easily or looking for trouble but I assure you; I don't think so if you read their response.

The reason why I was so upset in the first place was the way how it was handled in public. Some may say, "Oh it's about face.", and I am not afraid to admit it. But let's think about it? Why do wars and so misunderstandings start off in the first place? It's always because of miscommunication and the way how the issue was handled prior to that. If people has used the proper tone, expression and such instead of arguing and shouting; my idealistic mind believes that more issues can be solved easily! I am so not pleased with the way the company handled the response!

On the day I had the incident, I marched to the SBS Transtilink office and filled in the feedback form. "Give us 3 working days," they say. "We will get back to you by then." Well, I even through the written feedback AND the online feedback but there was no response. The response only came AFTER my husband wrote to Today ONLINE paper and the best part was they called him up to ask him "What happened?".

After two weeks or so, we finally received a response:

Please be assured that we have conducted a thorough investigation which includes the viewing of closed circuit television (cctv) footage with audio. Once again, please accept our apologies for the distress caused by the incident to your wife.

I was fine till I read to this part.

We saw from the footage that the BC had asked Mrs Wong if she would volunteer to give up her seat. It is regretable that our BC had not seen that your wife is pregnant. The large black tote bag that your wife was carrying then had obstructed the BC's view. When your wife was seated, she had the bag placed in front of her. When she got up, she slung the bag on her right shoulder which was in direction of front of bus.

I am not sure how the question was phrased and the tone, expressions and actions accompanying it actually comes "asked" and "volunteer". It's a very politically-correct way of putting anything that happens that day in a very positive aspect. Now, I must repeat - I understand if my bag has obstructed the view because YES, I did place the bag in front of me. But what got me irritated were the words used "large tote bag". Maybe it's me but I am sure that a bag of a height of 25 cm and width 21 cm is not considered as large but medium. I also do not think that it can obstruct my stomach when I stood up. I tried taking pictures sideways with the bag used and anyone can see the stomach snatching the limelight from the bag immediately!

Once again , we are sorry that the BC had not realised that Mrs Wong is pregnant. But we note from the cctv that she was not rude to your wife. Our BC had thanked Mrs Wong when she gave up her seat . The BC then sat back at her seat and continued with the journey.

Thank you, dear SBS. Now we know that we can raise our voice in public and single someone out from the crowd, scream at them and gesture to them for not giving up the seat and all we need to do is just to say "Thank you" when the action is complied and all will be forgiven. After all, the BC did display some manners by saying the "Thank you" and stuff. So next time, our kids just need to learn is that they need to say "Sir, I like to speak to you for a minute. *raises problems with inapproriate expressions, phrasings, tones and gestures*, ends with "Thank You" and viola! You are polite! I admit I did not hear the BC thanking me because my face was already hot and flushed. (Can you hear anything when you feel extremely embarassed? You just wish you can get out of there as soon as possible!). The BC also did not leave her seat. The BC only lifted the butt and turned around to look at me but did not make any attempt to leave the seat at all.

So let's think about it how can this issue be solved in a better way? By the BC sitting at the seat and not walking towards the priority seats politely but just shout from the BC seat, don't you have to raise your voice? And by raising your voice, don't you attract the attention of all other commuters who are now busy watching the 'show'? I don't think the company got the point. It's not the intention I am upset with but the way the situation was handled.   They offered 5 complimentary tickets but seriously, they can keep it. I'm not interested.

But I don't mind the congratulatory hamper though =D.

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